
Which ski goggles are top this season?

Nájsť tie správne okuliare zaberie nejaký čas. Musia Vám dobre sadnúť na tvár a ku prilbe, mať správnu farbu skla podľa počasia, farebne ladiť s outfitom a hlavne mať všetky funkcie, ktoré si Váš štýl jazdy vyžaduje. Našťastie existujú variácie okuliarov s rôznymi funkciami a Vy si môžete vybrať tie, ktoré pĺňajú všetky Vaše požiadavky.

1. Special design

Do you wear description glasses? Are contact lenses uncomfortable for you? Try ski goggles with a design that allows you to wear prescription glasses underneath. The secret is in the small holes in the frame, so the sides of the prescription glasses will not push you under the ski goggles. With a mirror lens, no one will even notice that you are wearing prescription glasses.

2. Polarization filter

In sunny and mildly cloudy weather, the sun shines brightly and blinds you. The sun's rays will bounce off the bright white snow and irritate your eyes. They begin to tear and you lose track of the situation on the slope. You don't see the terrain and you have trouble concentrating. There is a solution. Our mysterious goggles conceal polavision® technology for safe glare-free skiing.

3. Always clear view

Drizzle, fog, and increased body temperature during sports cause the lens to fog up. Supravision® - an anti-fog coating on the goggles - has become a must have for winter sports. Functional ventilation through the frame construction increases the anti-fog effect. Foggy goggles are a thing of the past.

4. For all weather conditions

The basic color of these glasses is mostly orange or yellow, which is well known for its brightening effect. It brightens the colors of the surroundings in bad weather and highlights the contours of the terrain. In sunny weather, a mirror lens is magnetically attached to the goggles to protect the eyes from the stronger sun. Due to its flexibility it can be easily bent and put into the pocket of the ski jacket.

    As the name reveals, the TOP glasses of the season are:
    uvex g.gl 3000 TOP (take-off)

    Offering all needed features, these multifunctional goggles will not disappoint you in any weather. With wide frame construction they also protect your prescription glasses. Providing 100% UV protection, not fogging and polarizing, can be customized from S1 - S4 with a combination of lenses. Despite their curvature, they do not distort the terrain curves. That is why they become TOP glasses for you. Choose from wide color combinations and make them your adventure companion.






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