
Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions


These terms and conditions govern the rights and obligations of the parties arising from the sales contract concluded between the seller, which is POINTS SLOVENSKO s.r.o., registered office Drotárska 15, Bratislava 811 02, Business ID: 31369146, registered in the Commercial register of the District court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File number: 6708/B (hereinafter referred to as the "seller" in the appropriate form) and the buyer while pursuant to act no. 102/2014 Coll. may be a natural or legal person that does not purchase goods, products or services for the purpose of being sold to other persons for the purposes of business or employment or occupation (hereinafter referred to as the "buyer" in the appropriate form); subject of which is the matter of purchase and sale of goods on the e-shop website of the seller https://uvexsports.sk.

Seller's contact and billing information:

Drotárska 15 
Bratislava 811 02

Business ID: 31369146

Commercial company registered in the Commercial Register of the District court Bratislava I, Section: Sro, File number: 6708/B

Phone: + 421 2 53 41 99 04
Email for contact with consumers: info@uvexsports.sk

Control and supervisory authority:

Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI) www.soi.sk (Electronic submission of suggestions for investigation) SOI Inspectorate for the Bratislava Region, Prievozská 32, P.O. BOX 5, 820 07 Bratislava 27, 02/58272 172, 02/58272 104

Alternative dispute resolution authority:

Consumer Center - non-profit organization, Andyho Warhola 33, 068 01 Medzilaborce www.spotrebitelskecentrum.sk (Electronic registry for dispute settlement)
podatelna@s-c.sk; +421 2 21 02 59 60

I. General provisions

  1. These terms and conditions of sale and warranty in the version valid on the day of conclusion of the sales contract are an integral part of the sales contract. In the event that the seller and buyer conclude a written sales contract in which they agree on conditions different from these terms and conditions, the terms of the sales contract will prevail over these terms and conditions. Conditions agreed in this way must not be in conflict with other legal regulations (shortening of the period for return of goods, warranty period, etc.)

    2. For the purposes of these terms and conditions, the supplementary contract means a contract under which the buyer acquires the goods or provides a service related to the subject of the sales contract if the goods are supplied or provided by the seller or a third party under their agreement.
  2. The purchase price for goods displayed on any e-shop website at https://uvexsports.sk, operated by the seller, also includes value added tax at the rate stipulated by applicable Slovak law and does not include the price for the transport of goods or other optional services. All sales are valid until stocks are sold out, unless otherwise specified for a particular item.
  3. The seller reserves the right at any time to adjust the price of the goods listed on any e-shop website operated by the seller. The change in the price of the goods does not apply to sales contracts concluded before the price change, regardless of the fact that the goods have not yet been delivered.
  4. Should the seller fail to comply with their obligations set forth in the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic or the European communities or in these terms and conditions, the buyer may apply their right towards the seller through the competent court.
  5. E-shop or electronic information system of a seller means a publicly available computer system through which a visitor can order goods or services.
  6. Goods, products and services are all products published on the e-shop website https://uvexsports.sk.

II. Form of concluding the sales contract

  1. The proposal for concluding sales contract is sent by the buyer who has reached the age of 18 on the day of placing the order to the seller in the form of a filled out and sent form on the seller's website, by which they sent a proposal for concluding sales contract, subject of which is compensating transfer of ownership right at the purchase price and under the conditions specified in this order (hereinafter only "order").
  2. After the order has been placed, the buyer will receive an automatic notification of receipt of the order by the seller's electronic system (hereinafter referred to as "order delivery confirmation") on their e-mail address. If necessary, any additional information regarding the order may be sent to the buyer's email address.
  3. The delivery confirmation contains information that the order was delivered to the seller, but it is not an acceptance of the proposal to conclude a sales contract.
  4. By confirmation of the order by the seller arises a sales contract, which can be changed, canceled or amended only by mutual agreement between the buyer and seller, unless otherwise provided by law or other legislation.
  5. The sales contract is concluded by the delivery of an advance invoice or ordinary invoice in electronic or written form to the buyer or by payment of the purchase price via electronic payment elements or other duly confirmation of receipt of the order and consent to the conclusion of the contract by the seller.
  6. Before sending the order, the seller informed the buyer in a clear, unambiguous, understandable and unmistakable manner about the pre-contractual information regarding the return, payment, commercial, transport and other conditions by informing the buyer about:
                A). the main features of the goods or the nature of the service, to the extent appropriate to the means of communication and goods or service informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page,
                B). the business name and registered office of the seller informed on the relevant sub-page of the e-shop of the seller and in art. 1 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                C). the seller's telephone number and other information important for the buyer's contact with the seller, in particular their e-mail address and fax number, if they have them, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page and in art. 1 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                D). the address of the seller, on which the buyer may submit a claim for goods or services, request a return or other complaint informed in art. 1 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                E). the total price of the goods or service, including value added tax and all other taxes, or where, given the nature of the goods or service, the price cannot be accordingly predetermined, the way in which it is calculated and the transport, delivery, postage and other costs and charges, or, if such costs and fees cannot be determined in advance by the fact that the buyer will be obliged to pay them, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page,

                F). payment terms, delivery terms, the period within which the seller undertakes to deliver the goods or provide the service, informed about the information on procedures for the application and settlement of claims, returns and suggestions of the buyer in the relevant articles of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                G). information on the right of the buyer to withdraw from the sales contract, the conditions, time limit and procedure for exercising the right of withdrawal informed in art. 10 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                H). the provision of a form for withdrawal from the sales contract informed in art. 10 and in the attachment of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page; at the same time, the seller provided the form for withdrawal from the sales contract in the attachment to these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                I). information that if the buyer withdraws from the sales contract, they will bear the costs associated with returning the goods to the seller pursuant to § 10 par. 3 of Act no. 102/2014 Coll. on consumer protection when selling goods or services on the basis of a distance contract or contract concluded outside the premises of the seller and on amending certain acts (hereinafter referred to as the "Consumer protection act for distance selling"), and if they withdraw from the sales contract, also the cost of returning the goods, which, by their nature, cannot be returned via post, informed in art. 10 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                J). the buyer's obligation to pay the seller the price for the fulfillment actually provided pursuant to § 10 par. 5 of the Consumer protection act for distance selling, if the buyer withdraws from the service contract after giving the seller explicit consent under § 4 par. 6 of the Consumer protection act for distance selling, informed in art. 10 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                K). the circumstances in which the buyer loses the right to withdraw from the contract in art. 10 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page;

                L). the seller's liability for defects in goods or services under prov. § 622 and 623 of the Civil code in art. 8 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                M). the existence and details of the guarantee provided by the manufacturer or the seller under more stringent principles than those laid down in prov. § 502 of the Civil Code, if provided by the manufacturer or seller, as well as information on the existence and conditions of assistance and services provided to the buyer after the sale of goods or services, if such assistance is provided, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and art. 9 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                N). the existence of relevant codes of conduct that the seller has committed to comply with, and on the manner in which the buyer can get acquainted with them or obtain their wording, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page;

                O). the duration of the contract in the case of a fixed-term contract; in the case of a contract concluded for indefinite duration, or in the case of a contract for which its validity is automatically extended, also the information on the terms and conditions of the termination of the contract was provided, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page;

                P). the minimum duration of the buyer's obligations arising from the sales contract, if the sales contract implies such a commitment to the buyer, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                Q). the buyer's obligation to pay the advance or to provide other financial security at the seller's request and on the terms and conditions that apply to it if the sales contract implies such a commitment to the buyer;                   

                R). functionality, including applicable technical safeguards to secure electronic content, if applicable, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                S). the compatibility of the electronic content with the hardware and software that the seller knows or is reasonable to expect he does, if appropriate, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                T). the possibility and conditions of extrajudicial dispute settlement through an alternative dispute settlement system, if the seller has undertaken to use the system, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty,

                U). the necessary acts to conclude the sales contract by describing these necessary acts in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                V). the sales contract being stored in electronic form with the seller and is available to the buyer after the buyer has requested it in writing, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page,

                W). the language being offered for the conclusion of the contract is the Slovak language, informed on the seller's relevant e-shop catalog page and in these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, which are located on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page.

    7. If the Seller has not complied with the information obligation on the payment of additional fees or other costs pursuant to art. 2, point 6 let. e) of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty or the cost of returning the goods pursuant to art. 2, point 6. let. i) of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, the buyer is not obliged to pay these additional costs or fees.

III. Rights and obligations of the seller

  1. Seller is required:

    A). to deliver the goods to the buyer in the agreed quantity, time, quality and to wrap it and to ensure transport in the manner necessary for its preservation and protection,

    B). to ensure that the goods delivered are compatible with the applicable legislation of the Slovak Republic,

    C). immediately after the conclusion of the sales contract, but at the latest together with the delivery of the goods, provide the buyer with a confirmation of the conclusion of the sales contract on a durable medium, such as via email. The certificate shall contain all the information referred to in point 2.6. including the form for withdrawal from sales contract;

    D). to hand over to the buyer in electronic or written form all necessary documents for taking and using the purchased goods, as well as other documents requisited by valid legal regulations of the Slovak Republic (instructions in Slovak language, delivery note, warranty statement, tax document). 

  2. The seller is entitled to a proper and timely payment of the purchase price by the buyer for the goods delivered.

  3. In the event of unavailability of goods or exhausted stocks, the seller is not able to deliver the goods to the buyer within the period agreed upon in the sales contract or determined by these terms and conditions of sale and warranty or at the agreed purchase price, the obligation of seller is to offer the buyer a facultative compensation, alternatively the option of terminating the sales contract (order cancellation).

  4. Terminating the sales contract or cancellation of the order is possible for buyer by sending an e-mail. In case of payment of the purchase price by the buyer or its part, it is the seller's obligation to refund the already paid purchase price or its part within 14 days from the date of delivery of the e-mail on termination of the sales contract or cancellation of the order by the buyer to the account specified by them, unless the parties agree otherwise. If no facultative compensation offered by the seller is accepted by the buyer nor do they terminate the sales contract, the seller is entitled to terminate the sales contract. In case of payment of the purchase price by the buyer or its part, the seller is obliged to refund the already paid purchase price or its part within 14 days from the date of delivery of the termination of the sales contract, to the buyer.

IV. Rights and obligations of the buyer

  1. The buyer was informed by the seller that the order includes the obligation to pay the price before confirming the order itself.
  2. Buyer is obliged to:

A). take the ordered and delivered goods;

B). pay the agreed purchase price to the seller within the agreed maturity period, including the cost of delivery of the ordered goods,

C). check the soundness of the packaging resp. the goods themselves upon receipt and confirm the soundness and delivery of the item by signature on the delivery note or sheet of the courier company or by signature of person authorized by them.

  1. The buyer has the right for delivery of the goods in quantity, quality, time and place agreed upon by the contracting parties.

V. Delivery and payment terms

  1. The goods will be delivered to the buyer within the period stated on the seller's website when reopening the order.
  2. Unless the seller and the buyer agreed otherwise in the sales contract, the seller is obliged to deliver the item to the buyer immediately, delivery time is 2-30 days from the binding confirmation of the order depending on the availability of goods and the country of delivery. If the seller has not fulfilled their obligation to deliver the item within the time limit according to the first sentence, the buyer shall bid him to deliver the item within the additional reasonable time provided by them. If the seller fails to deliver the item within this additional reasonable period, the buyer is entitled to withdraw from the contract.
  3. The buyer agrees to extend the delivery time if the production of the ordered goods or other circumstances so require.
  4. The display of goods on any e-shop website operated by the seller is merely illustrative.
  5. The buyer is obliged to check the package, that is the goods as well as its packaging, immediately after delivery. If a defect is found, the buyer shall make a record of the extent and nature of the defect, the correctness of which shall be confirmed by the courier or the seller. On the basis of such a record delivered to the seller, the buyer may subsequently refuse to accept the delivered goods with a defect or confirm delivery of the goods with a defect and subsequently, in accordance with art. 8 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, claim the defects of the goods with the seller or designated person. In the event that the buyer refuses to take delivered goods with a defect, all the costs reasonably incurred to return the goods to the seller shall be borne by the seller.
  6. The seller is not responsible for:
    1. delayed delivery of ordered goods caused by post or mail delivery;
    2. damage to a consignment caused by post or mail delivery;
    3. possible non-delivery of goods caused by the manufacturer (supplier) as a result of any restriction or cancellation of distribution rights or other unforeseeable obstacles.
  7. The buyer is entitled in the event of failure to deliver the goods by the seller within the period specified in point 5.2. of these terms and conditions of sale to withdraw from the sales contract and the seller is obliged to refund to the buyer already paid part of the purchase price within 14 days of receipt of withdrawal from the contract by wire transfer to the buyer's bank account designated by the buyer.
  8. The buyer can pay for the order by:
    1. wire transfer,
    2. paying the order in cash on delivery,
    3. paying in cash in person at the seller,
    4. transfer to the seller's PayPal account.
  9. Delivery of goods is realized through courier company Slovak Parcel Service s.r.o., or Slovak Post.
  10. For the delivery of ordered goods, the seller charges flat shipping costs in the amount depending on the selected method of transport according to the current pricelists of shippers, whereby the buyer is informed about the price of transport before sending the order. Cash on delivery the seller enables only for the Slovak and Czech Republic: in cash for a flat fee; for card payment the sum of delivery is calculated according to the total amount of the order. For purchases over 50 €, the seller guarantees the delivery of goods within the Slovak Republic free of charge.

    Delivery of goods                                                                                                                          Fee 

    In person

     0,- €

    Slovak Republic (over 50,-€)


    Slovak Republic


    Slovak Republic (cash on delivery)


    Czech Republic


    Czech Republic (cash on delivery)


































    Other EU states


    Other states


  11. The seller may provide to the buyer:
    1. discount from price for registration to the e-shop,
    2. discount for repeated purchase or,
    3. discount based on a one-time discount coupon where the discounts cannot be cumulated.
  12.  A buyer who registers with the seller when buying goods through the e-shop gets a discount on every subsequent purchase from the seller in the amount of 10% of the non-discounted price of the goods. The precondition for applying the discount is the continuous registration of the buyer as well as the consent to receive the newsletter. The discount cannot be combined with other discounts provided.

VI. Purchase price

  1. The purchase price for the goods agreed upon in the sales contract between the seller and the buyer is clear to the buyer before placing the order and also confirmed in the advance or proper invoice. If the purchase price listed on the order receipt is higher than the price for identical goods listed in the e-shop offer at the time the order is sent by the buyer, the seller will deliver an electronic message to the buyer informing the buyer of a new purchase price of the new sales contract, which the buyer must explicitly confirm by e-mail or in writing to validly conclude the sales contract.
  2. The purchase price of goods when browsing the catalog may be increased by shipping and packaging or other valid incurred fees associated with the delivery of goods to the buyer. The purchase price before sending the order is final and valid for the contracting parties according to art. 1 of these general terms and conditions of sale and warranty.
  3. The buyer is obliged to pay the seller the purchase price, including the cost of delivery.
  4. The day of payment is the date on which the entire purchase price was credited to the seller's account.
  5. The buyer is obliged to pay the seller the purchase price for the agreed goods within the time limit according to the sales contract, in the way agreed upon with the seller at the conclusion of the contract.
  6. If the buyer fails to pay the seller the full purchase price by the moment the goods are delivered and the parties have not agreed on paying the purchase price for the goods in installments, the seller shall be entitled to refuse to deliver the goods to the buyer.
  7. Costs associated with the assembly or taking the goods upstairs or other costs are not included in the purchase price and the seller is not obliged to provide them for the buyer.

VII. Acquisition of ownership and transfer of risk of damage to goods

  1. The buyer acquires ownership of the goods only after full payment of the purchase price for the goods. The risk of damage to the goods passes to the buyer at the time when the buyer or a third party authorized by the buyer takes delivery of the goods from the seller or their representative authorized to deliver the goods, or if they fail to do so in time, then at the time, when the seller allows the buyer to handle the goods and buyer doesn't take the goods.

VIII. Return procedure (liability for defects, warranty, claims)

  1. In the case of defect of the goods that can be removed, the buyer has the right for to have it removed free of charge, on time and properly. The seller is obliged to remove the defect without undue delay. This shall not apply in the case of reduced durability or performance of the goods or normal wear of the goods, in particular batteries and fluorescent lamps.
  2. Instead of removing the defect, the buyer may require replacement of the goods or, if the defect concerns only a part of the goods, the replacement of the part if this does not incur excessive costs for the seller with respect to the price of the goods or the severity of the defect.
  3. Instead of removing the defect, the seller may always replace the defective goods with flawless goods, unless this causes the buyer serious difficulties.
  4. In case of a defect of the goods that cannot be removed, and which prevents the goods from being properly used as a thing without a defect, the buyer has the right to exchange the goods or has the right to withdraw from the sales contract. The same rights belong to the buyer in the case of removable defects, but the buyer cannot properly use the goods due to the reccurent occurrence of the defect after repair or because of a larger number of defects.
  5. In the case of other irremovable defects, the buyer is entitled to a reasonable discount on the price of the goods.
  6. The seller instructed the buyer about their rights arising from the prov. Sec. 622 of the Civil Code (paragraphs 8.1. to 8.3. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty) and the rights resulting from it under the prov. Sec. 623 of the Civil Code (paragraphs 8.4. to 8.5. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty) by placing these terms and conditions of sale and warranty on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page and the buyer had the opportunity to read them before the order was placed.
  7. The seller is liable for defects of the goods in accordance with the valid regulations of the Slovak Republic and the buyer is obliged to file a claim with the seller or a designated person. Information about the designated persons and points for warranty and post-warranty service can be found on the back of the warranty card or the seller provides them for the buyer upon request by telephone or by e-mail.
  8. The settlement of returns is subject to the applicable return procedure of the seller, i.e. art. 8 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty. The buyer has been properly acquainted with the return procedure and has been informed about the terms and conditions of the return of the goods, including information on where the return can be applied and the execution of warranty repairs in accordance with the prov. Section 18 par. 1 of act no. 250/2007 Coll. on Consumer Protection and on the amendment of act of the Slovak National Council no. 372/1990 Coll. on misdemeanors, as amended (hereinafter referred to as the "Act") before the conclusion of the sales contract by placing these terms and conditions of sale and warranty on the seller's relevant e-shop sub-page and the buyer had the opportunity to read them before sending the order.
  9. The return procedure applies to goods purchased by the buyer from the seller in the form of an e-shop on the seller's e-shop website.
  10. The buyer has the right to claim from the seller liability for defects of goods relating only to goods that show defects for which the manufacturer, supplier or seller is liable, covered by warranty and purchased from the seller.
  11. If the goods show defects, the buyer has the right to request a return in the seller's premises in accordance with the prov. Section 18 par. 2 of the Act by delivering goods to the seller's premises and delivering to the seller a manifestation of the buyer's will to exercise their right under art. 8, points 1 to 5 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty (hereinafter referred to as "Notice of applying a return") The seller recommends to insure the goods when it is sent for return by the customer. The seller does not take packages cash on delivery. The buyer is obliged to state in the Notice of applying a return truthfully all required information, in particular precisely indicate the type and extent of the defect of the goods; the buyer shall also indicate which of their rights under prov. Section 622 and 633 of the Civil Code they apply. The buyer has the right to request a return with a person authorized by the manufacturer of the goods to perform warranty repairs (hereinafter referred to as "designated person"). The list of designated persons is listed in the warranty card or the seller sends it to the buyer upon their request.
  12. The seller or designated person shall issue to the buyer a confirmation of applying the return of the goods in a suitable form chosen by the seller, eg. in the form of an e-mail or in written form, in which they are obliged to precisely identify the claimed defects of the goods and instructs the consumer once again about their rights under art. 8 par. 1 to 3 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty (prov. Section 622 of the Civil Code) and rights, that result to them from art. 8 par. 4 to 5 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty (prov. Section 623 of the Civil Code). If the return is made by means of remote communication, the seller is obliged to deliver the confirmation of application of the return to the buyer immediately; if it is not possible to deliver the confirmation immediately, it must be delivered without undue delay, but at the latest together with the proof of return settlement; confirmation of the return need not be delivered if the buyer has the opportunity to prove the application of return otherwise.
  13. The buyer is entitled to decide which of their rights under prov. Section 622 and prov. Section 623 of the Civil Code they apply and at the same time obliged to deliver information about their decision to the seller without delay. According to the buyer's decision, which of their rights under prov. Section 622 and prov. Section 623 of the Civil Code they apply the seller, or the designated person is obliged to determine the method of settlement the return pursuant to the prov. Section 2 let. m) of the Act immediately, in more complicated cases within 3 days from the beginning of the return procedure, in justified cases, especially if a complex technical evaluation of the condition of the goods is required no later than 30 days from the day of the beginning of the return procedure. After determining the method of settling the return, the seller or the designated person will settle the return immediately; in justified cases, the return can be settled later. However, the settlement of return must not take more than 30 days from the date of requesting the return. After the futile expiry of the period for settling the return, the consumer has the right to withdraw from the contract or has the right to exchange goods for new goods.
  14. If the buyer has requested a return of the goods within the first 12 months of the sales contract, the seller may refuse the return only on the basis of an expert opinion or an opinion issued by an authorized, notified or accredited person or a viewpoint of a designated person (hereinafter only "expert goods assessment"). Regardless of the outcome of the expert goods assessment, the seller may not require the buyer to pay for the expert goods assessment or other costs related to the expert goods assessment.
  15. If the buyer requested a return after 12 months from the conclusion of the sales contract and the seller has rejected it, the person who settled the return is obliged to state in the document of the settlement of return to whom the buyer can send the goods for expert assessment. If the buyer sends the goods for expert assessment to the designated person specified in the return settlement document, the costs of expert goods assessment as well as all other related purposefully spent costs shall be borne by the seller, regardless of the result of the expert assessment. If the buyer proves the seller's responsibility for the claimed defect of the goods by expert judgment, they can request the return again; the warranty period does not expire during the expert goods assessment. The seller is obliged to pay to the buyer within 14 days from the date of the reapplied return all the costs incurred from the expert goods assessment, as well as all related costs reasonably incurred. A reapplied return cannot be rejected.
  16. The buyer is not entitled to exercise the right of liability for defects about which the seller notified them at the time of conclusion of the contract or which, having regard to the circumstances in which the sales contract was concluded, the buyer had to know.
  17. The seller reserves the right to replace the defective goods with other flawless goods with the same or better technical parameters, unless this causes the buyer serious difficulties.
  18. The seller is not responsible for defects of the goods:
    1. if it is an obvious defect which the buyer could detect by checking the shipment on delivery of the goods and which they did not notify the agent of the seller in accordance with point 5.8. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty,
    2. if the buyer has not exercised their right regarding the seller's liability for the defect of the goods until the end of the warranty period,
    3. if the goods are defective by mechanical damage to the goods caused by the buyer.
    4. if the defect of the goods is caused by the use of the goods in conditions which do not correspond to the natural environment of the goods due to their intensity, humidity, chemical and mechanical influences,
    5. if the defect of the goods was caused by unprofessional handling, servicing or neglect of the care of the goods,
    6. if the defect of the goods was caused by damage to the goods by excessive load or use contrary to the conditions specified in the documentation or the general principles of normal use of the goods,
    7. if the defect of the goods is caused by damage to the goods by unavoidable and/or unpredictable events,
    8. if the defect of the goods was caused by damage to the goods by accidental damage and accidental deterioration,
    9. if the defect is caused by unprofessional interference, water damage, fire, static or atmospheric electricity or other force majeure,
    10. if the defect of the goods was caused by interference with the goods by an unauthorized person.
  19. The seller is obliged to settle the return and terminate the return procedure in one of the following ways:
    1. by handing over the repaired goods;

    2. by exchange of goods,

    3.  by refund of the purchase price of the goods,

    4. by paying of a reasonable discount on the price of the goods,

    5. by written requisition for taking settlement designated by the seller,

    6. by justified refusal of warranty claim of the goods.

  20. The seller is obliged to issue a written document on the method of determining the return settlement no later than 30 days from the date of the request of return in person, through the postal, courier or delivery service provider
  21. The seller will inform the buyer about the outcome of the return settlement immediately after the return procedure by telephone or e-mail and at the same time the buyer will be delivered document on return settlement by e-mail
  22. The warranty period is 24 months from the date of delivery of the goods. This applies unless the warranty period is different for individual cases.
  23. The warranty period is extended by the period during which the buyer could not use the goods due to the warranty repair of the goods.
  24. In the case of exchange of goods for a new one, the buyer will receive a document stating information on the exchange of goods and any other returns shall be requested on the basis of the sales contract and this return document. In the case of replacement of the goods for a new one, the warranty period will start again from the receipt of the new goods, but only for the new goods.
  25. Regarding the removable defect, the return will be settled as follows: 
    1. the seller will ensure the removal of the defect, or
    2. the seller will exchange the defective goods.
  26. If there is a removable defect and the buyer does not promptly determine in accordance with art.8, paragraph 15 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, how to settle the return, the seller shall settle the return by removing the defect.
  27. In the case of a defect that cannot be removed, or a single, repeated recurrent defect, or a bigger amount of different removable defects that prevent the goods from being properly used as without defects, the seller settles the return according to the buyer's decision as follows:

    1. by replacing goods for other functioning goods with the same or better technical parameters; or 
    2. in case that the seller is unable to exchange goods for another, he shall settle the claim by refunding the purchase price for the goods.

  28. In the case of irremovable defects or reccurent removable defects, or in the case of a bigger amount of various removable defects, which prevent the goods from being used properly as without defects and the buyer does not immediately determine according to art.8 paragraph 15. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, how the return shall be settled, the seller will settle the return by replacing the goods for other functioning goods of the same or better technical parameters.
  29. Return settlement applies only to defects specified in the Notice of applying a return and in the confirmation of application of the return of the goods according to art.8 paragraph 14. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty.
  30. For the purposes of the warranty claim, a repetitive removable defect is considered to be more than two times the occurrence of one removable defect. 
  31. For the purpose of warranty claim, the occurrence of more removable defects is considered to be the number greater than three different removable defects simultaneously.
  32. The right of the buyer to claim a return of the goods with defect is after they have exercised their right and asked the seller to remove the defect of the goods under art.8 paragraph 1. of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty consumed, and irrespective of the outcome of the return, they are no longer entitled to claim warranty repeatedly for the same unique defect (not a defect of the same kind).
  33. Provisions of art. 8 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty do not expressly apply to entities that do not meet the consumer's definition listed in prov. Section 2 let. a) Law.
  34. A buyer who registers with the seller in his e-shop when purchasing the goods is entitled to an extended warranty for the purchased goods. The warranty period in this case is 36 months from the date of delivery of the goods. The condition for the duration of the extended warranty entitlement is the continuous registration of the buyer with the seller, as well as the granting of consent to receive the newsletter for the entire duration of the extended warranty.

Contract withdrawal form /return of goods/

Information on the application of the right of withdrawal from sales contract

IX. Personal data and their protection

Information on the processing of personal data and consent to their processing for the purposes of registration

Dear customer, we would like to assure you that we pay maximum attention to the protection of your personal data from unauthorized use. Your personal information and the data you enter when you place orders and make payments or when you register, are protected by technical security systems and other procedures verifying the appropriate authorizations. On our site, personal data are collected and processed to the lawful extent, in accordance with European parliament and EU Council Regulation no. 2016/679 (GDPR) as well as with act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and act no. 351/2011 Coll. on electronic communications.   

Personal data operator:

POINTS SLOVENSKO s.r.o., Business ID 31 369 146, Drotárska cesta 15, 811 02  Bratislava

E-mail: info@uvexsports.sk

Phone: 02/5341 9904


Purpose of personal data processing

In case the buyer is a natural person, they are obliged to inform the seller (i.e. personal data operator) of their name and surname, permanent address, phone number, e-mail address. The buyer provides personal information to the seller voluntarily in order to fulfill their obligations for the purpose of the sales contract and further communication with them. Without providing the personal information, our e-shop as a seller cannot properly fulfill a contract with you as a buyer and therefore, we will not be able to conclude a sales contract. The purpose of processing this personal data is to issue a tax document, pre-contractual relations, buyer identification, order confirmation, by phone or e-mail, deliver the goods, and then carry out marketing activities, inform about sales, news and discounts on similar goods.

The seller hereby informs the buyer that, as an operator in the process of concluding a sales contract, they will process the buyer's personal data without their consent as the data subject, since the processing of the buyer's personal data will be executed by seller on legal basis of concluded sales contract and processing of buyer's personal data is necessary for fulfillment of sales contract, in which the buyer is one of the contractual parties.



When ordering our products, you can create your account (personal customer account) on our website. The information needed to register is the same as the one we need you to enter when concluding sales contract. Creating your own account will help you in subsequent orders, as you no longer need to fill in your contact information. You will also have an overview of all your orders, can more easily return goods and so on.


Use of your data for Newsletter

We also use your information for our own marketing purposes in accordance with applicable law regulations. In particular, we strive to ensure that our offer suits your needs best.

Thanks to our Newsletter you can regularly get the latest information about constantly changing collections of our products, discounts - either by e-mail or by post. You can unsubscribe from the electronic Newsletter at any time. To unsubscribe from the Newsletter, you will find a link at the end of each Newsletter. Registered users can also unsubscribe from the Newsletter under "My Account". You can also contact us at address info@uvexsports.sk to unsubscribe from the Newsletter.


Categories of recipients to whom your personal data may be provided (intermediaries):

The seller processes the buyer's personal data for the purpose of delivering goods from a concluded sales contract with the buyer through third companies, such as shipping companies, to whom the seller provides the buyer's personal data such as first and last name, permanent address, phone number. Furthermore, these are the recipients with whom we cooperate in the operation of our e-shop, or in applying claims from concluded sales contracts, such as partner IT service providers, partner e-shops, website operator, tax administrator, lawyers, experts, bailiffs, law enforcement agencies, courts.

It is not intended to process these data outside the EU.



The personal data of data subjects shall be processed in such a way as to guarantee the security of personal data, including protection against unauthorized and unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction or damage, by means of technical and organizational measures provided by the controller. www.uvexsports.sk allows cash on delivery, bank transfer, or bank transfer to PayPal. All payment methods are comprehensively protected by security standards.



In our information system, we collect information, that your browser automatically transmits to us for technical reasons.

The data concerned is:

  • browser type and version
  • operating system used
  • URL of the previous page visited
  • host name (IP address)
  • server request time

When storing this data, it is not anonymous and is not associated with the person it was related to. Nor is this data linked to data from other sources. 

Under the store search feature is geographic data in form of latitude and longitude uploaded to a website. 

Our website uses Cookies function. Cookies are small text files that your browser stores in your computer. They allow our systems to recognize your browser, so for example it will show our ad for special sales only limitingly. Cookies enable us to optimally adapt our internet offer to your needs. Our cookies are protected from reading by third-party using the security standard of your browser.

In addition, on these websites by so-called "permanent cookies" using pseudonym collected data for marketing and optimization purposes. This data helps us identify special needs for each customer group. For example, if you placed a product in a cart, then you left our site without closing your browser and later returned to our site, "permanent cookies" ensure that the product you select remains in the shopping cart. This data is not used to personally identify a visitor to this website and is not associated with personal information through a pseudonym bearer.

You can learn how to set your browser to not accept new cookies, or to notify you of new cookies, as well as how to turn of all cookies you have received, in the Help menu that comes with most web browsers. However, we recommend that you keep cookies fully operational, because only by using cookies can we meaningfully control our advertising. Cookies do not cause any damage to your computer and do not contain any viruses. 


Retention period of your personal data

The operator is entitled to process your personal data as data subjects during the duration of the sales contract, or during the customer's registration on the website www.uvexsports.sk.

Upon termination of the contract or any obligations arising therefrom, we have your data stored until the expiration of the limitation period for exercising the rights under the contract, including for the period provided for in the applicable legislation, but at least ten years after the termination of the contract.

We will process your personal information to send you marketing information until you withdraw your consent.


Rights of the data subject

  • the right to require the provider to have access to their personal data
  • the right to rectify, supplement and delete personal data
  • the right to restrict the processing of personal data
  • the right for the portability of their personal data
  • the right to object to the processing of personal data
  • the right to withdraw consent if consent is the legal basis for the processing of personal data
  • the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority (Office for personal data protection)

These rights are enshrined in articles 15 to 21 of the EU data protection regulation (GDPR). Customers who have registered on our site can view, process or delete their data at any time in the "My Account" section by entering your email address and password.

Whenever you have the opportunity to enter personal information when you visit our website, we ask you to specify for yourself what data you want to provide us. The fields marked as required must be completed in order for your question, request or order to be processed. Other optional data that you have the option to provide are used to optimize our online offer or for statistical purposes.


Consent to the processing of personal data for the purposes of registration

Every customer who has created a personal customer account on our website, i.e. has registered, agrees to the processing of their personal data as follows:

I hereby authorize the processing of my personal data to the registered extent under the above conditions, as well as the processing of data on purchases of goods and services to the operator in terms of EU regulation no. 2016/679 as well as act no. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data provided for the purpose of registration on the website www.uvexsports.sk. The purpose of the processing of personal data is at the same time the offer of products and services, marketing services, market and customer satisfaction survey, consumer competitions as well as the inclusion of personal data in all information systems of company POINTS SLOVAKIA s.r.o. I give my consent voluntarily and confirm that the information I have provided is correct and true.


I declare that I have been informed about the conditions of processing personal data by the operator, which are published on the website www.uvexsports.sk.

X. Withdrawal from the sales contract

  1. If it will be impossible to fulfill the obligations on the part of the seller resulting from the sales contract, due to the goods being sold out, unavailability of the goods or if the manufacturer, importer or supplier of the goods agreed in the sales contract has interrupted production or made such serious changes that made it impossible to fulfill the seller's obligations resulting from the sales contract or for reasons of force majeure or, even when making every effort that can reasonably be required of them, is unable to deliver the goods to the customer within the period specified by these terms and conditions or in the price specified in the order, the seller shall be obliged to immediately inform the buyer and at the same time is obliged to offer the buyer a facultative compensation or the option for the buyer to withdraw from the sales contract (cancel the order). If the buyer withdraws from the sales contract for the reasons stated in this point of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, the seller is obliged to refund the buyer the advance payment already paid for the goods agreed in the sales contract within 14 days of the notice of withdrawal by transfer to an account specified by the buyer.
  2. The buyer is entitled to withdraw from the sales contract without giving any reason in accordance with prov. Section 7 and following Act within 14 days of taking the goods, or from the date of conclusion of the contract for the provision of the service or contract for the provision of electronic content not delivered on a tangible medium, if the seller has fulfilled in due time the information obligations pursuant to the prov. Section 3.
  3. The buyer has the right to unpack and test the goods using the similar means as in a usual "brick and mortar" shop to the extent necessary to determine the nature, characteristics and functionality of the goods.
  4. The start of the withdrawal period is set for the day on which the buyer or a third party designated by him, with the exception of the carrier, takes all parts of the ordered goods or if:
    1. goods ordered by the buyer in one order are delivered separately, from the date of taking the goods delivered last;
    2. supplies goods consisting of several parts or pieces, from the date of taking the last part or last piece,
    3. on the basis of the contract, the goods are delivered repeatedly during a limited period, from the date of taking the first delivered goods.
  5. The buyer may withdraw from the sales contract, the subject of which is the purchase of goods, even before the start of the withdrawal period.
  6. Withdrawal from the contract must be made by the buyer in written form in a manner that does not give rise to any doubt that the contract has been withdrawn or in the form of an entry on another durable medium or by means of a form published on the website www.spotrebitelskecentrum.sk/odstupenie
  7. Withdrawal from the sales contract pursuant to the preceding point of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty must contain the information required in the withdrawal form, in particular the buyer identification, order number and date, the exact specification of the goods, the manner in which the seller has to refund the already received payment, in particular the account number and/or postal address of the buyer. 
  8. In the event of withdrawal from the sales contract, any ancillary contract related to the sales contract from which the buyer has withdrawn shall also be canceled from the beginning. It is not possible to demand from the buyer any costs or other payments related to the cancellation of the ancillary contract, except for the costs and payments referred to in prov. Section 9 par. 3, prov. Section 10 par. 3 and 5 and the price of a service, if the subject of the contract is a provision of a service and the service was fully provided.
  9. Within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the sales contract, the buyer is obliged to send the goods back to the address of the registered office of the operator without undue delay or to hand it over to the seller or the person authorized by the seller to take the goods. This is not the case if the seller has proposed to pick up the goods in person or through a person authorized by them. The period referred to in the first sentence of this point of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty shall be deemed to be maintained if the goods have been handed over for carriage no later than the last day of the period.
  10. The buyer is obliged to deliver to the seller the complete goods, including the complete documentation, undamaged, preferably in the original packaging and unused.
  11. The seller is obliged, without undue delay, to refund the buyer, within 14 days from the date of delivery of the withdrawal notice, all payments received from them under the sales contract or in connection therewith, including shipping, delivery and postage costs and other costs and fees. The seller is not obliged to refund the buyer payments under this point of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty before the goods are delivered or the buyer proves that the goods have been sent back to the seller, unless the seller suggests picking up the goods personally or through a person authorized by them. Cash on delivery will not be taken by the seller. 
  12. The cost of returning the goods to the seller or the person authorized by them is borne by the buyer. This shall not apply if the seller has agreed to bear these costs alone or if they have not fulfilled their obligation under Section 3 par. 1 let. i)
  13. The buyer is only liable for the reduction of the value of the goods resulting from the handling of the goods which is beyond the handling necessary to determine the properties and functionality of the goods. The consumer is not liable for the reduction of the value of the goods if the seller has not complied with the information obligation on the consumer's right to withdraw from the contract pursuant to Section 3 par. 1 let. h).
  14. The seller is obliged to refund the purchase price to the buyer for the goods in the same way the buyer used to pay, unless the buyer agrees to another method of refund without additional fees being charged to the buyer.
  15. If the buyer withdraws from the contract and delivers the seller goods which are used, damaged or incomplete, the buyer undertakes to pay the seller
    1. value by which the value of goods diminished within the meaning of prov. Section 457 of the Civil code in actual amount,
    2. costs incurred to the seller in connection with the repair of the goods and their restoration calculated according to the price list for post-warranty service of the goods.
  16. The buyer is obliged to pay the seller compensation in the amount of the difference between the purchase price of the goods and the value of the goods at the time of withdrawal from the sales contract in accordance with this point of terms and conditions of sale and warranty.
  17. In accordance with prov. Section 7 par. 6 the buyer may not withdraw from the contract subject to which is:
    1. the sale of goods made according to specific requirements of the consumer, tailor-made goods or goods specifically intended for one consumer;
    2. the sale of goods enclosed in protective packaging which is not suitable to be returned for reasons of health protection or for hygienic reasons and whose protective packaging has been broken upon delivery;
    3. the sale of phonograms, video recordings, sound recordings, books or computer software sold in protective packaging, which the consumer has unpacked,
    4. provision of electronic content other than on a tangible medium if its provision has been initiated with the express consent of the consumer and the consumer has declared that they have been duly informed that, by expressing this consent, they lose the right for withdrawal from contract.
    5. the sale of goods that have been after the conclusion of the contract and taking of the goods from the seller for the buyer assembled, folded, or used in such a way that disassembling it by the seller is not possible without increased effort and cost, e.g. folded or assembled furniture, etc.
  18. Provisions of art. 10 of these terms and conditions of sale and warranty do not expressly apply to entities that do not meet the consumer definition listed in prov. Section 2 let. a) CC.

Contract withdrawal form /return of goods/

Information on the application of the right of withdrawal from sales contract

XI. Alternative dispute resolution

  1. Alternative dispute resolution can only be used by the buyer - the consumer and thus a natural person who, when concluding and fulfilling the consumer contract, does not act within the scope of their business, employment or occupation.
  2. Alternative dispute resolution concerns a dispute between a consumer and a seller or vice versa, arising out of or relating to a consumer contract concluded at distance.
  3. The buyer - "consumer" has the right to file a proposal to initiate an alternative dispute resolution, pursuant to act 391/2015 Coll. of an alternative dispute resolution authority (hereinafter referred to as "ADR authority") with a value greater than or equal to EUR 20 if:
    1. is dissatisfied with the way the seller settled their return,
    2. or they are of opinion that the seller had violated their rights,
    3. or the seller responds to this request in a refusing way,
    4. or does not respond within 30 days of sending.
  4. The competent authority for alternative dispute resolution with the seller is the Slovak trade inspection (www.soi.sk) or the Consumer Center - a non-profit organization (http://www.spotrebitelskecentrum.sk) or another authorized legal entity registered in the list of subjects of alternative dispute resolution maintained by the Ministry of economy of the Slovak Republic.
  5. The consumer has the right to choose which of the ADR entities they turn to.
  6. The consumer may use the online dispute resolution platform available on the Internet to submit a proposal for an alternative dispute resolution at http://www.spotrebitelskecentrum.sk
  7. Information on proposal fees shall be found by the consumer on the ADR entity's website.

XIII. Final provisions

  1. If the sales contract is concluded in written form, any change to it must be in written form.
  2. The contractual parties agree that communication between them will have the form of e-mail messages in exceptional cases a telephone form.
  3. Consumer disputes arising from the sale, withdrawal or complaints are settled by the seller under the alternative dispute resolution act and through the Consumer Center - a non-profit organization.
  4. Relationships not regulated by these terms and conditions of sale and warranty, if the buyer is a Consumer, are subject to the relevant provisions of the Civil Code, Act no. 250/2007 Coll. on consumer protection, Act no. 22/2004 Coll. on e-commerce and on amendment of act no. 128/2002 Coll. on state control of the internal market in consumer protection matters and on amendments to certain acts, as amended by act no. 284/2002 Coll. as amended and act no. 102/2014 Coll. on the protection of consumers in distance selling. If the buyer is a legal entity or a natural person entrepreneur unregulated rights and obligations of parties to the contract shall be governed by according provisions of the Commercial Code.
  5. These terms and conditions of sale and warranty shall enter into force on 04.10.2016 and become effective against the buyer by concluding the sales contract.
  6. Before placing an order, the buyer will be asked to confirm by checking the box that he has read, read, understood and fully agrees with these terms and conditions of sale and warranty.






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